Call for Proposals 2011

Planing for EuroPython 2011/2012 was initiated in 2009.

Call for Proposals

The call for 2011/2012 was not announced on the mailing list, but instead in a session at EuroPython 2009.

The deadline had been set to end of September 2009, but then extended for another week on request from the German team.

Submitted proposals

Two proposals had been submitted, were reviewed and both teams given a chance to update their proposals before putting them up for a vote.

EPS selection

Since two proposals were entered for 2011, a vote was done among the people interested in organizing EuroPython conferences to decide on the winner:

Note: The above links go to the archives of the europython-improve mailing list, the list used by people interested in helping with the organization of EuroPython conferences at the time. In order to read them, you have to subscribe to the mailing list first.

The selection was announced in an email by Laura Creighton from the EPS on 2009-11-12.