We are happy to announce that we have received 17 RFP submissions for EP2019 from various venues all across Europe.

Review will take longer
This large number was a somewhat unexpected and the work to review all these proposals is taking longer as a result.
Since we want to give all RFP submissions a fair chance, we will therefore postpone the selection announcement until Wednesday next week, 2018-11-07, and adjust the timeline for the second round accordingly.
Updated timeline for the RFP
First round:
- Start of RFP process: 2018-09-28
- Deadline for RFP vendor questions: 2018-10-05
- Vendor questions answered by: 2018-10-12
- First round submission deadline: 2018-10-19
- Second round candidates will be informed until: 2018-11-07
Second round:
- Second round RFP questions posted: 2018-11-16
- Deadline for RFP vendor questions: 2018-11-21
- Vendor questions answered by: 2018-11-23
- Final submission deadline: 2018-11-28
- Final candidate will be informed until: 2018-12-07
Many thanks,
EuroPython Society Board