EuroPython Society

Organisers of the EuroPython conference series. Working for the Python community.
EuroPython Society

List of EPS Board Candidates for 2022/2023

List of EPS Board Candidates for 2022/2023

At this year’s EuroPython Society General Assembly (GA), planned for Saturday, 29 October at 17:00 CEST, we will vote in a new board of the EuroPython Society for the term 2022/2023.

List of Board Candidates

The EPS bylaws require one chair, one vice chair and 2 - 7 board members. The following candidates have stated their willingness to work on the EPS board. We are presenting them here (in alphabetical order by first name).

We will be updating this list in the days before the GA. Please send in any nominations or self-nominations to

Please note that our bylaws do not restrict nominations to people on this list. It is even possible to self-nominate or nominate other candidates at the GA itself. However, in the interest of giving members a better chance to review the candidate list, we’d like to encourage all nominations to be made before the GA.

The following fine folks have expressed their desire to run for the next EPS board elections: Alexander Hendorf, Anders Hammarquist, Artur Czepiel, Cheuk Ting Ho, NicolĂĄs Demarchi, Patrick Arminio, Raquel Dou, Silvia Uberti, Theofanis Petkos, Vaibhav Srivastav, Vicky Twomey-Lee.

Alexander Hendorf

Pythonista / Consultant / Serial Organiser

Alexander joined the EPS spontaneously as auditor at EuroPython 2014 in Berlin when no one else felt like it. In the following five years he was an integral part of the EuroPython team, in particular as program chair,  and for two years as board member.

Alexander was elected 2nd chairman of the German Python Software Association (PySV) in 2018. In this role, he is responsible for the German conference PyConDE, which he has co-organized since 2016.

To support Open Source Software in academia he was invited to join EuroSciPy in 2018. The Pandas documentation sprint was a good reason to establish two local PyData chapters, PyData SĂŒdwest and PyData Frankfurt the same year. Both thrive with more than 1300 members today.

In 2018, Alexander was named a PSF Fellow by the Python Software Foundation for his contributions to the community. In 2021 he was named a EuroPython fellow.

Alexander is responsible for data and artificial intelligence at the boutique consultancy KÖNIGSWEG. Through his commitment as a speaker, he is a proven expert in the field of data intelligence. He has many years of experience in the practical application, introduction and communication of data and AI-driven strategies and decision-making processes. He is very grateful that everyone at his company, Königsweg, in which he is also a partner, is in support of so many community activities.

Alexander is convinced it's time for EuroPython Society to take its mission to the next level - to act as a roof and institution of the European Python community - beyond the EuroPython conference. The EPS should become better at supporting local communities at a variety of levels in the future: e.g. diversity & outreach, organising community events, mentoring opportunities or infrastructure. With his candidacy, Alexander offers his expertise, experience and implementation power to make this a reality.

Anders Hammarquist

Pythonista / Consultant / Software architect

Anders is running his own Python consultancy business, AB Struse, since 2019 and is currently mostly involved with using Python in industrial automation. He has been using Python since 1995, and fosters its use in at least four companies.

He helped organize EuroPython 2004 and 2005, and has attended and given talks at several EuroPythons since then. He has handled the Swedish financials of the EuroPython Society since 2016 and has served as board member since 2017.

Artur Czepiel

Software developer

Artur started using Python around 2008, originally to implement backends for websites and later expanding to other areas.

He joined the EuroPython team after the conference in 2017, working initially on the website and support. He joined the board for the 2018/2019, and more recently, the 2021/2022 terms.

For the next term he would like to continue the infrastructure work started last year, and focus on improving how the Society works outside of the conference and its relationships with other organisations in Europe.

Cheuk Ting Ho

Pythonista / Developer Advocate / Data Scientist


After spending 5 years researching theoretical physics in Hong Kong, Cheuk has transferred her analytical and logical skills in natural science and built a career in data science. Cheuk has been a Data Scientist before builder her career in Developer Relations.

Cheuk constantly contributes to the community by giving learning workshops and organizing sprints for open source projects, at the same time contributing to open source projects. On top of speaking at conferences, Cheuk has joined the organizing team of EuroPython as a member of the programming workgroup since 2019 and was hosting the lightning talk from the same year since.

In 2021, Cheuk joined the EuroPython Society Board and became the Python Software Foundation fellow. Cheuk has been leading the Financial Aid team to provide accessible tickets and travel grant for people around the world to join EuroPython. Cheuk has also started a speaker mentorship program in 2021 and organize workshops for new speakers. In this year’s EuroPython, Cheuk brings mentored sprint to the conference and hopefully encourage diverse contributions to open source projects.


Believing in the benefit the society has with diversity and inclusion, Cheuk would like to continue bringing new faces to the society and keep connecting people in it. In the upcoming year, Cheuk would like to keep the financial aid program running, bringing new leadership for EuroPython and forging more connections with other Python communities - including local Python conferences and Pyladies communities around Europe and communities beyond Europe.

After visiting a few PyCons in Africa in the past, Cheuk would also like to strength the bond between Europe and Africa, by proposing new program to support Python conference organisers in Africa to attend EuroPython.

Cheuk would also like to start the speaker mentorship in early 2023 to start grooming the next generation of speakers for the community. This should be a continuous effort and not limited to the EuroPython conference. Mentees are encouraged to submit to various community events before EuroPython as well. Priority to join the program will be given to people in the underrepresented groups.

NicolĂĄs Demarchi

Pythonista / Software Engineer

Nicolås is a self-taught software engineer working professionally for more than 15 years. After participating in some Linux User Groups and the Mozilla community, Nicolås joined the Python community around 2012, fell in love with it and never left. He is a founder and has been a board member of the Python Argentina NGO since 2016. In the PyAr community, he participated in several events and conferences as organizer and/or speaker, ranging from Python Days in various cities, PyCamp to the Python Argentina national conference, being a core organizer in the 2018 one in Buenos Aires (an open and free conference with ~1500 attendees). Since 2014 Nicolås has been maintaining the Python Argentina infrastructure that supports the mailing list, webpages, etc.  He was (still helping a bit) the host of the Buenos Aires Python Meetup. In June 2019, Nicolås moved to Amsterdam and he is currently living and working there.  A few months after the move, he joined the organization of the Python Amsterdam meetup and he is working with a small team to build the local community: He also joined the team trying to replicate the Pycamp Argentina experience in Europe. In 2020 he volunteered in the Media Workgroup of Europython 2020 online as a core organizer.
He joined the EPS board in 2021 and helped to organize Europython2021-online and Europython-2022 in Dublin. In Dublin his focus was particularly on the Operations team and the hybrid format of the conference.

He has also been named PSF Fellow in 2021.

I would like to continue in the EPS board because I think Europython is the event connecting all European communities and therefore the right place to invest my time on. After the 2022 conference I think I know the EPS much more and I would like to invest my time in the conference organization but also in improving our organization, lowering the burn-out risk and keeping volunteers engaged for a longer time.

Patrick Arminio

Developer Advocate / Python Italia Chair

Patrick started his journey with the Python community at PyCon Italia 2 in 2008. After many years of helping run PyCon Italia (and other conferences) as a volunteer he became the Chair of Python Italia in 2017.

He has also been nominated as a PSF Fellow for his contribution to conferences and also open source software.

He currently works as a Developer Advocate at Apollo GraphQL.

Raquel Dou

Linguist / Python enthusiast

Raquel first met Python in 2013, during her MSc in Evolution of Language and Cognition, where she used Python to model the evolution of a simple communication system over time. She operates a small business providing language and technical services, in which Python is one of her primary tools. In her previous life, her undergraduate dissertation in Spanish was about ACTA in Mexico and had an earlier MSc in anthropology specialising in human origins.

She first attended EuroPython when it took place at her doorstep (Edinburgh) in 2018, and was an onsite volunteer. Since then she remained closely engaged in the EPS, as well as the organisation and execution of the conferences. She has been serving on the EPS board since 2019, working closely with the brilliant teams which delivered the two EuroPython Online editions. In 2021-2022, she had the privilege of serving as chair of the EPS. She led the organisation, supporting the rest of the board and the newly reformed teams in society affairs and organising the EuroPython conference in Dublin & Online.

Throughout the past 4 years she has experienced warmth, openness, creativity and desire to do good in every aspect of her engagement with the Python community which she proudly serves. She firmly believes that it is precisely these qualities that create strong bonds between the diverse humans that make up the community. She would like to continue to foster and strengthen this culture, and help make EPS a space for developing and trying out new ideas. Going forward, she would like to listen and engage in dialogue with other European Python communities to explore ways to gather experience and contributions, and build a collective knowledge base of community organisation. For the EuroPython conference, she would like to support more effort in curating the programme to showcase a broader spectrum of what we do with Python, the state of art of Python development, using Python to make art, Python in education and research, to name a few.

Silvia Uberti

SRE / IT Consultant

She is a Site Reliability Engineer with a degree in Network Security, really passionate about technology, travelling and her piano.

She’s an advocate for women in STEM disciplines and supports inclusiveness of underrepresented people in tech communities.

She fell in love with Python and its warm community during PyCon Italia in 2014 and became a member of EuroPython Sponsor Workgroup in 2017.

She enjoys working in it a lot and wants to help more!

Theofanis Petkos

Software Engineer / Python enthusiast

Theofanis' first encounter with Python was in 2011 during his Computer Science studies. In 2017, after a few years working at  non tech jobs, he resigned and followed his dream to become a software engineer. Right now he lives in Spain and he is a part of a DevOps team working mainly with Python. Recently, he became a member of Python Canarias.

He first attended EuroPython in 2020, as a speaker. He was a volunteer for the next two years as a part of the Financial Aid (2021), Mentorship programme (2021, 2022) and the Ops team (2022).

He loves animal facts, and he has a better sense of humour under pressure!

Vaibhav Srivastav

ML Tinkerer & Consultant

Vaibhav (VB) is a Machine Learning Researcher and Consultant. He has been working with Python and adjacent scientific communities for over a decade. He is an open source enthusiast and thrives on building and running open source communities. Python has been an integral part of VB’s career and life. He started by organising Python meetups in Delhi in 2016. He then went on to volunteer for various PyCon across APAC (India, Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and Indonesia). At the peak of the pandemic, VB moved from India to Germany to pursue his masters and research speech and natural language processing at the University of Stuttgart. After a brief hiatus, he joined the EuroPython 2021 volunteering team to help with the Sponsors team. He renewed his commitment to EuroPython by volunteering for the communications and programme team for the year 2022.

Through each chapter of his volunteering journey, VB has been lucky to have gotten the opportunity to work with some truly exceptional people. He also is grateful to the EuroPython Society for giving him the autonomy to run comms related experiments throughout last year.

Should VB make it to the EuroPython Society 2023 board, he’ll spend his time and energy on rethinking the way the programme has worked in the past and tweak to fit the present needs of our community. He’d also like to focus on introducing more avenues of interaction for marginalised communities (especially neuro-diverse) to support each other and prosper under the EPS’s umbrella.

You can read more about his commitment and plans on

Keep calm and keep eating spaghetti! (pipx run saghetti)

Vicky Twomey-Lee

Diversity in Tech Advocate / PyLadies Dublin

Vicky Twomey-Lee has been involved with the Python community since 2005 where she took over running monthly Python Ireland events until she handed over the reigns in 2016. She was chair of the first four PyCon Irelands from 2010 to 2013, where in 2013 she launched PyLadies Dublin which she currently still organise monthly meetups. She advocates diversity in tech through her other initiatives as co-founder of Coding Grace, a co-director Women Who Code Dublin, a member of Women in Technology and Science Ireland as well as collaborating with many community groups including Women in AI Ireland, international PyLadies chapters like PyLadies Paris, PyLadies Munich, and PyLadies London.

She was made a PSF Fellow in 2012, and was awarded the PSF Community Service Awards and EPS Fellow in 2021.

She previously was on the EPS board in 2012 to learn how to improve PyCon Ireland’s process in conference admin and logistics, and is delighted to be invited to be on the EPS board again. She will contribute her knowledge to the board from experiences she collected over the years of running events and being involved with specifically the Irish Tech Community. She’s also still learning about logistics and administration when it comes to community events, and being part of the EuroPython team in 2022 was quite an exhilarating experience. And she wants to encourage communities to be just as excited to get involved with EuroPython and help make it accessible for all.

Chair Nominations

Raquel Dou is running for the chair position again this year.

What does the EPS Board do ?

The EPS board is made up of up to 9 directors (including 1 chair and 1 vice chair); the board runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including running the EuroPython conference series, and supports the community through various initiatives such as our grants programme. The board collectively takes up the fiscal and legal responsibility of the Society.

At the moment, running the annual EuroPython conference is a major task for the EPS. As such, the board members are expected to invest significant time and effort towards overseeing the smooth execution of the conference, ranging from venue selection, contract negotiations, and budgeting, to volunteer management. Every board member has the duty to support one or more EuroPython teams to facilitate decision-making and knowledge transfer.

In addition, the Society prioritises building a close relationship with local communities. Board members should not only be passionate about the Python community but have a high-level vision and plan for how the EPS could best serve the community.

EuroPython Society General Assembly 2022

It feels like yesterday that many of us were together in Dublin or online for EuroPython 2022. Each year, the current board of the EuroPython Society (EPS) holds a General Assembly (GA). It is a precious opportunity for all our members to get together annually, and reflect on the learnings of the past and direction for the future the Society holds.

All members of the EPS are invited to the 2022 GA at 17:00 - 19:00 CEST on Saturday 29 October 2022.  This year’s GA will be held online again to allow as many members as possible to engage with us.

As an EPS member, you are welcome to join us to discuss Society matters and vote at the meeting. While we cannot allow non-EPS members to join the online meeting, a recording of the meeting will be made public on YouTube.

For your convenience, a separate calendar invite with the Zoom link will be sent via email to all EPS members subscribed to the members mailing list. If you are an EPS member and have not received an email, please email us at

Your support of EPS is greatly appreciated and we hope to see many of you!

Board Nominations

Every year at the GA, we will vote in a new EPS Board of Directors. EPS members who wish to stand for election to the board of directors or nominate others must send in your nomination notice, along with a biography of yours.

Though the formal deadline for sending in your nomination is at the time of the GA, we would appreciate it if you could return it to us by emailing by Saturday 22 October 2022. We will publish all the candidates and their nomination statements on a separate blog post for our members to read in advance.

The EPS board is made up of up to 9 directors (including 1 chair and 1 vice chair). The duties and responsibilities of the board are substantial: the board runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including significant workload in running the EuroPython conference series, and supports the community through various initiatives such as our grants programme. The board collectively takes up the fiscal and legal responsibility of the Society.

General Assembly Agenda

The agenda will go through all the items business set out in Section 8 of the EPS bylaws. We will send out - via our members mailing list - the agenda, and all motions put forward by the board and members by Saturday 22 October 2022. This will give our members time to go through the information in advance, hopefully leaving more space for questions.

All reports for the GA will also be published in advance, to give the members enough time to read and prepare questions to raise at the GA.

Propositions from the board

  • None at the moment.

Should there be any propositions from the board, they will be announced and made available to all our members at least 5 days before the GA, as per Section 10 of our bylaws.

Motions from the members

  • None at the moment.

All EPS members have the right to propose motions to be voted on at the GA.

If you want to raise a motion, please send it to no later than Friday, 21 October 2022, so that we can add them to the agenda. The bylaws require that members’ motions be announced at least 5 days before the GA and we will need time to clarify details and make the agenda available to our members accordingly.

Hope to see many of you at the EPS 2022 GA! â€ïžđŸ

EuroPython Society Chair
on behalf of the EPS Board

2021 Q4 Fellows

We have decided to elect our Society Fellows quarterly! And now a warm welcome to the newly elected Q4 2021 EuroPython Fellows.

  • Giovanni Bajo
  • John Pinner (posthumously)
  • Rob Collins (posthumously)
  • Valeria Pettorino
  • Harald Armin Massa
  • Marc-AndrĂ© Lemburg
  • Artur Czepiel
  • Patrick Guido Arminio

EuroPython Fellows

EuroPython Fellows have contributed significantly towards our mission, the EuroPython conference and the Society as an organization. They are eligible for a lifetime free attendance of the EuroPython conference and will be listed on our EuroPython Society Fellow Grant page in recognition of their work.

Giovanni was a board member of the EuroPython Society between 2012-2014. He was one of the main organisers and a driving force of the EuroPython editions in Florence between 2011-2013.

John taught Python to so many people in the world. As Nicholas Tollervey put it, “This kind and gentle man understood the value of computing education and, through his work as founder and chairperson of the PyConUK conference, promoted it with great zeal.” John brought EuroPython to Birmingham in 2009 and 2010 and served as chair to the Society in those years, in which he brought together a great team and managed to raise the standards of the conference. He sadly lost his fight with cancer in 2015, but his love for the (Euro)Python community still burns bright.

Rob ran many sponsored massage sessions at past EuroPython conferences. He not only performed but taught and ran a group of volunteers to do these massages, which regularly raised more than a thousand dollars, donated to the Python Software Foundation (PSF) to do even more good. He sadly passed away in 2016, but we all remember fondly his humour, kindness and love for Python, and they will inspire generations to come. The Board has unanimously agreed to make him an honorary member and Fellow to honour his legacy.

Valeria was a Society board member in 2018. Between 2017-2019, she made significant contributions to the organisation of the conference as a member of the Program, Marketing & Design and the CoC Workgroups, as well on-site.

Harald Armin hosted countless lightning talks sessions at EuroPython in the 2010s, becoming another icon of EuroPython. Similar to Rob, Harald contributed much to the fun of EuroPython.

Marc-André is a giant figure in the history of EuroPython. He had served as an EPS board member for 9 years since 2012 and chaired the Board between 2016 to 2021. During this period, he has dedicated tens of thousands of hours to the betterment of the Society and the conference editions - establishing Workgroups to retain institutional knowledge, broadening the mission of the Society to serve the community, modernising and maintaining the software infrastructure, and creating a formal RFP process in venue selecting - to name a few of the many things he helped achieved for the EPS. Marc stepped down from the Board this year, but his passion for EuroPython continues to fuel the team.

Artur was a board member in 2018-2019 and contributed a great deal to the conference website codebase with many patches, refactoring and significant updates. Through chairing the Web Workgroup, he not only modernised the software used for the website, but provided crucial support to core infrastructure used by most Workgroups. He was nominated a Fellow before rejoining the Board and serving as the current vice chair, and we are very happy to have him back!

Patrick started working in the Web Workgroup in 2015 and chaired the WG in 2017 and 2018. He contributed a lot towards the design and the looks of the EuroPython website which still is in use. He is also the chair of Python Italia. His love for Python, technology and dedication to the community sets a great example. Patrick was nominated a Fellow before joining the current Board and what a great addition to the team!

The EuroPython Society Board would like to congratulate and thank all the above new Fellows for their tireless work towards our mission! If you want to send in your nomination, check out our Fellowship page and get in touch!

Many thanks,

EuroPython Society

EPS Board 2021-2022

We’re happy to announce our new board for the next term 2021-2022:

  • Anders Hammarquist (Treasurer)
  • Artur Czepiel (Vice Chair)
  • Cheuk Ting Ho
  • Francesco Pierfederici
  • Martin Christen
  • NicolĂĄs Demarchi
  • Patrick Arminio
  • Raquel Dou (Chair)
  • Silvia Uberti

You can read more about them in their nomination post. If you missed the General Assembly 2021, you can catch up here.

Together, we’ll continue to serve the community and head off to the preparations for EuroPython 2022 in Dublin, 11-17 July, with our fingers firmly crossed!

New EuroPython Fellows

The board has selected two new EuroPython Fellows, after receiving nominations from the membership:

EuroPython Fellows

EuroPython Fellows have contributed significantly towards our mission, the EuroPython conference and the Society as an organization. They are eligible for a lifetime free attendance of the EuroPython conference and will be listed on our EuroPython Society Fellow Grant page in recognition of their work.

Laura has been very active in the early days of the conference, especially in running the EuroPython editions in Gothenburg and helping with the selection process for later editions.

Oier was one of the team members who ran the conference in Bilbao. Sadly, he passed away last year, so we can only recognize him for his efforts posthumously. Still, we believe that he would have liked his new status.

The EuroPython Society Board would like to congratulate and thank Laura and Oier for their tireless work towards our goals.

Many thanks,
EuroPython Society

Launching the EuroPython Society Fellow Grant

We are excited to announce the new EuroPython Society Fellow Grant.

The grant is intended to honor and show gratitude towards members of the EuroPython Society (EPS) and the EuroPython Workgroups who have contributed significantly towards our mission, the EuroPython conference and the Society as an organization.

EuroPython Fellows

EuroPython Fellows are eligible to a lifetime free attendance of the EuroPython conference and will be listed on our EuroPython Society Fellow Grant page.

The EuroPython Board will decide on new Fellowships based on nominations by the EPS members and its own deliberations.

Our first Fellows

To launch the grant, the current board has decided to make all board members since 2012 who have served at least two terms and are not members of the current board EuroPython Fellows:

  • Alexander Hendorf
  • Alexandre Manhaes Savio
  • Anthon van der Neut
  • Borja Ayerdi
  • Christian Calogero Barra
  • Darya Chyzhyk
  • Fabio Pliger
  • Jacob HallĂ©n
  • Vicky Twomey-Lee

The board will announce more Fellows in the coming weeks. If you are an EPS member and want to nominate another member as a Fellow, please write to and include the reasons why you believe the member should become a Fellow.

The EPS Board would like to congratulate all of the above Fellows and thank them for their tireless work towards our goals.

EuroPython Society

EuroPython Society General Assembly 2021

As last year, we are holding the General Assembly (GA) of the EuroPython Society (EPS) online for this year.

General Assembly

In accordance with our bylaws, we are calling for the EuroPython Society General Assembly to be held on Sunday, October 10th 2020, from 19:00 - 21:00 CEST. We will use a Zoom meeting to hold the event and send around the URL closer to the event.

All EPS members are welcome to join and vote at the meeting. Please be aware that we cannot allow non-EPS members to join, as we often do at the in-person GAs we hold at the conference, since we would then not be able to control access to the Zoom call.

Board Nominations

As every year, we will vote in a new board. We have already sent out the list of board nominations in a separate blog post on 2021-09-23. Please see that post for details on the candidates and the nomination process.

Motions by the Members

EuroPython Society Members can propose motions to be put forward and voted on at the General Assembly.

If you want to put forward a motion, please send this to no later than Sunday, 2021-10-03, so that we can add them to the agenda. The bylaws require that any such motions be announced no later than 5 days before the GA and we will need time to clarify details and prepare the agenda.


We will publish the agenda with all motions put forward by the board and the members on Tuesday, 2020-10-05. The agenda will follow the template set out in our bylaws under section 8.


All reports for the GA will be published on Friday, 2020-10-08, to give the members enough time to read them and prepare questions. We’ll then answer any questions at the GA.

EuroPython Society

List of EPS Board Candidates for 2021/2022

At this year’s EuroPython Society General Assembly (GA), planned for October, we will vote in a new board of the EuroPython Society for the term 2021/2022.

List of Board Candidates

The EPS bylaws require one chair, one vice chair and 2 - 7 board members. The following candidates have stated their willingness to work on the EPS board. We are presenting them here (in alphabetical order by surname).

We will be updating this list in the days before the GA. Please send in any nominations or self-nominations to

Please note that our bylaws do not restrict nominations to people on this list. It is even possible to self-nominate or nominate other candidates at the GA itself. However, in the interest of giving members a better chance to review the candidate list, we’d like to encourage all nominations to be made before the GA.

The following fine folks have expressed their desire to run as a group for the next EPS board elections: Patrick Arminio, Prof. Martin Christen, NicolĂĄs Demarchi, Raquel Dou, Anders Hammarquist, Cheukting Ho, Francesco Pierfederici and Silvia Uberti. They have a good track record of working well together and share a common vision for the betterment of the EPS via strengthening ties to the larger Python community. They will present their plans and vision during the GA.

Marc-AndrĂ© Lemburg, who has been serving on the EPS board since 2012 and as its chair since 2017 is not running for the board again, as already announced in last year’s GA. He’s looking forward to enjoying the conference from the attendee perspective again.

Patrick Arminio

Software Developer / Python Italia Chair

Patrick started his journey with the Python community at PyCon Italia 2 in 2008. After many years of helping run PyCon Italia (and other conferences) as a volunteer he became the Chair of Python Italia in 2017.

He has also been nominated as a PSF Fellow for his contribution to conferences and also open source software.

He currently works as a Software Engineer in London.

Prof. Martin Christen

Teaching Python / using Python for research projects

Martin Christen is a professor of Geoinformatics and Computer Graphics at the Institute of Geomatics at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). His main research interests are geospatial Virtual- and Augmented Reality, 3D geoinformation, and interactive 3D maps.

Martin is very active in the Python community. He teaches various Python-related courses and uses Python in many research projects. He organizes the PyBasel meetup - the local Python User Group Northwestern Switzerland. He also organizes the yearly GeoPython conference. He is also a board member of the Python Software Verband e.V.

I would be glad to help with EuroPython, to be part of a great team that makes the next edition of EuroPython even better. I’m looking forward to a great physical/hybrid conference in Dublin.

Artur Czepiel

Software developer

Artur started writing in Python around 2008, originally using it mostly to implement backends for websites and later expanding to other areas.

He joined the EuroPython team in 2017 after watching a talk about the state of the conference software at the time. Then contributed patches, joined various work groups and helped with EuroPython 2018 and 2019 editions.

For the 2019 conference, he also joined the board where he helped with due diligence in the RFP process, but kept the focus on web/infra including major updates to the website software, and supporting other workgroups. Other than Europython, he's co-organising two local Python meetups in KrakĂłw, Poland where he's based. He was also part of the team behind Remote Python Pizza, and provided minor software updates to other conferences.

I would like to join the EPS board again, with my main focus being (again) infrastructure. I've learned a lot, both during the 2019 term and since then, and I believe that for the 2022 conference we can improve the conference setup even more. My main focus will be the ease of organisation and ultimately making the conference experience better for everyone.

NicolĂĄs Demarchi

Pythonista / Software Engineer

Nicolås is a self-taught software engineer working professionally for more than 15 years. After participating on some Linux User Groups and the Mozilla community, Nicolås joined the Python community around 2012, fell in love with it and never left. He is a founder and has been a board member of the Python Argentina NGO since 2016. In the PyAr community, as an organizer, he participated several events and conferences as organizer and/or speaker, ranging from Python Days in various cities, PyCamp and the Python Argentina national conference, being a core organizer in the 2018 one in Buenos Aires (an open and free conference with ~1500 attendees). Since 2014 Nicolås has been maintaining the Python Argentina infrastructure that supports the mailing list, webpages, etc.  He was (still helping a bit) the host of the Buenos Aires Python Meetup. In June 2019, Nicolås moved to Amsterdam and he is currently living and working there.  A few months after the move, he joined the organization of the Python Amsterdam meetup and he is working with a small team to build the local community: He also joined the team trying to replicate the Pycamp Argentina experience in Europe. In 2020 he volunteered in the Media Workgroup of Europython 2020 online as a core organizer.
He joined the EPS board in 2021 and helped to organize Europython2021-online.

I would like to continue in the EPS board because I think Europython is the event connecting all European communities and therefore the right place to invest my time. In addition, I believe I can learn a lot as a volunteer. For 2022 I want to work for the whole European Python community to have a better relation with EPS and to work on other smaller/local events apart from EuroPython.

Raquel Dou

Linguist / Python enthusiast

Raquel first met Python in 2013, during her MSc studies in Evolution of Language and Cognition, where she used Python to model the evolution of a simple communication system over time. She operates a small business providing language and technical services, in which Python is one of her primary tools.

She first attended EuroPython when it took place at her doorstep (Edinburgh) in 2018, and was an onsite volunteer. Since then she remained closely engaged in the EPS, as well as the organisation and execution of the conferences. She has been serving on the EPS board since 2019, working closely with the brilliant teams which delivered the two recent EuroPython Online editions. In 2021, besides leading the two amazing Sponsor and Support teams, she was also heavily involved in the conference lineup and speaker management.

During these 3 years, she has experienced warmth, openness, creativity and desire to do good in every aspect of her engagement with the Python community which proudly serves. For the next edition, she hopes to finally meet in Dublin every one of the volunteers she has worked so closely with for years. She shares a community building vision with the amazing EuroPython team and would love to continue in this exhilarating journey with them to take the Society to new heights.

Anders Hammarquist

Pythonista / Consultant / Software architect

Anders is running his own Python consultancy business, AB Struse, since 2019 and is currently mostly involved with using Python in industrial automation. He has been using Python since 1995, and fosters its use in at least four companies.

He helped organize EuroPython 2004 and 2005, and has attended and given talks at several EuroPythons since then. He has handled the Swedish financials of the EuroPython Society since 2016 and has served as board member since 2017.

Cheuk Ting Ho

Pythonista / Developer Advocate / Data Scientist

After spending 5 years researching theoretical physics at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Cheuk has transferred her analytical and logical skills in natural science and built a career in data science. Cheuk has been a Data Scientist before working in a team of developers building a revolutionary graph database.

Cheuk constantly contributes to the community by giving AI and deep learning workshops and organizing sprints for open source projects, at the same time contributing to open source projects including Pandas, Keras, Scikit-learn, Dateutil and maintaining open-source libraries. On top of speaking at conferences, Cheuk has joined the organizing team of EuroPython as a member of the programming workgroup since 2019 and was hosting the lightning talk in the same year.

Last year, Cheuk joined the EuroPython Society Board and was nominated to be the Python Software Foundation fellow. Cheuk has been leading the Financial Aid team to provide accessible tickets for people around the world to join EuroPython. Cheuk has also started a speaker mentorship program and organize workshops for new speakers. Believing in the benefit the society has with diversity and inclusion, Cheuk would like to continue bringing new faces to the society and keep connecting people in it. In 2021, hopefully we will meet again in person and Cheuk would like to make sure that EuroPython is accessible to everyone both online and in-person.

Francesco Pierfederici

Pythonic Beer Brewer and Drinker

The year 2000 was the year that Python saved Francesco from Perl and Java. He worked on a large variety of projects over the last 20 odd years all involving Python, mostly in scientific environments.

He is currently driving a 30m telescope with Python at IRAM ( In his free time, he is trying to optimise his beer brewing with a host of sensors and micro controllers running MicroPython and still failing at that.

He has been volunteering with and in the EuroPython community since the conference in Rimini in 2017 and has helped with the website since 2019.

Why serve on the EPS board for a second year? Francesco loves the EuroPython conference and its volunteers, organisers and attendees. He would love the opportunity to give back to this community and to the Python community in general. A community that has given him so much.

Silvia Uberti

Sysadmin / IT Consultant

She is a Sysadmin with a degree in Network Security, really passionate about technology, traveling and her piano.

She’s an advocate for women in STEM disciplines and supports inclusiveness of underrepresented people in tech communities.

She fell in love with Python and its warm community during PyCon Italia in 2014 and became a member of EuroPython Sponsor Workgroup in 2017.

She enjoys working in it a lot and wants to help more!

Chair / Vice-Chair Nominations

Raquel Dou is running for the chair position and Artur Czepiel for the vice chair position.

What does the EPS Board do ?

The EPS board runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including running the EuroPython conference events. It is allowed to enter contracts for the society and handle any issues that have not been otherwise regulated in the bylaws or by the General Assembly. Most business is handled on the board’s Telegram group or by email on the board mailing list. Board meetings are usually run as conference calls.

It is important to note that the EPS board is an active board, i.e. the board members are expected to put in a significant amount of time and effort towards the goals of the EPS and for running the EuroPython conference. This usually means 200+ hours work over a period of one year, with most of this being needed in the last six months before the conference. Many board members put in even more work to make sure that the EuroPython conferences become a success.

Board members are generally expected to take on leadership roles within the EuroPython Workgroups in order to facilitate good communication and quick decision making. They should be passionate about EuroPython, the Python community and working in a team of volunteers.

EuroPython Society

20th Anniversary of EuroPython

This year's conference will mark the 20th edition of the EuroPython conference:

Since we started touring Europe in 2002 in Charleroi, Belgium, we have come a long way. The conference has grown from the initial 240 to around 1200-1400 attendees every year. The organization had started with a small group of people in a somewhat ad-hoc way and has now grown into a well structured team backed by the non-profit EuroPython Society (EPS), while still keeping the fun spirit of the early days.

EuroPython 2002 was the first major all volunteer run event for Python. A lot of other conferences have since emerged in Europe and we're actively trying to help them wherever we can, with our grants program, growing conference knowledge base and our Organizers' Lunch, for which we regularly invite representatives of all European Python conferences to get together to network, exchange experience in organizing events community building and understand how we can most effectively help each other.

To celebrate the anniversary, we took a deep look into our archives and have put together live website copies of the last few years, going back all the way to EP2009, which was held in Birmingham, UK.

Join us for a quick tour of 20 years of EuroPython over at the EuroPython Blog.

Hope to see all of you again at EuroPython 2021 and even more so at the next in-person event (hopefully EuroPython 2022 in Dublin).

EuroPython Society

EuroPython 2021: Format Poll

We are currently working out the format for this year’s online EuroPython conference. The conference will be run using online conference tools during the week of July 26 - August 1 and we would like to learn about your preferences regarding the overall structure.

For this reason, we’re running a poll to gather input from our (potential) attendees:


EuroPython 2021 Format Poll

Please add any comments you may have to the comment field. We’d love to hear about new online conference platforms you may have seen (last year, we used Zoom and Discord), suggestions on social event formats, etc.

EuroPython 2021 Team